7 Things You Must Know Before Starting Another Online Ads Campaign

ATTENTION: Here are the 7 Things You Must Know Before Starting Another Online Ads Campaign 


The truth is if your videos that are purely focused on a brand, or driving sales, it will likely be ignored. The best video content tells stories that connect with the viewer. 

The better you tell stories about yourself and your business, the more likely your viewers are going to understand what your company is offering and what it can do for them.

The most important part of any video is telling a cohesive and concise story. 

As Facebook recommends: “Your video ad shouldn’t be longer or shorter than it takes to tell your story well, so create a storytelling ads will keeps your audience interested along the way.”


Attention spans online are short. In fact, the average attention span is now just 8.5 seconds. In the opening seconds, you must give clarity to what your video is about and give the viewer confidence that what they’re about to watch is work their time.

a. Create a hook

One of the best ways to grab attention is with a hook at the start of your video. A hook is a really quick preview of what’s coming up in the video.

b. Upload an interesting thumbnail

Facebook and YouTube enable you to upload a thumbnail to get viewers excited about your video before it starts playing. Think of thumbnails as an important first impression. Putting effort into choosing your thumbnail carefully, can actually improve your clickthrough rates. 

Avoid a blurry, motion-filled shot. Your thumbnail should suggest that the video is high quality. Pick a different frame where your subject or environment looks crisp and clear.


Facebook is the King of super-in-depth targeting to select audiences for your content. Knowing that Facebook’s organic (free) reach is decline, Audience Targeting is great to reaching the most relevant people with every post. Facebook post targeting allows you to segment audiences by (1) Age, (2) Gender, (3) Locations and (4) Language.

You’re also able to target individuals by interests. (Allowed to choose up to 16 per post). Therefore, people who like your Page and also share one (or more) of the interests you’ve chosen are more likely to see your post.


Videos now autoplay on Facebook with sound on (unless your phone is on silent mode).

As much as 85% percent of video views on Facebook happen with the sound off.

You should think about how they can create a compelling story with and without the need for audio. If your users can pick up a story without the need for sound then you can certainly boost the effectiveness of your content.


When creating videos, be sure to optimise your content with calls to action (CTA). A CTA doesn’t always have to directly lead to a sale or sign up, video CTA’s could include:

  • Subscribe to your channel
  • Follow / Like your Page
  • Share with your friends
  • Comment on the video
  • Check out other content

There are a few place you can place your CTA. For instance (1) Starting of Your Video, (2) Middle of Your Video, and (3) Near Ending of Your Video. A good Call-To-Action will drive your viewers to take action and help you to achieve your business objectives. 


Search is also a growing trend on Facebook, with more 2 billion searches per day conducted on the platform. If you’re not optimizing your video content for search, you could be missing out on huge numbers of views. 

a. Keyword, Keyword, Keyword

Your video needs to include important keywords. You should include your main keyword in the title and keep it under 66 characters. Facebook search results on Facebook are based on around 200 factors mainly about info about your identity.

b. Video Description

Facebook offer the ability to add a description to each video you upload. Similar to title, add keywords in the description. Be concise and weave your keywords into a short story. 


Research shows that

Ninety percent of people today trust peer recommendations over company ads.

When a trusted influencer recommends a product it can feel more genuine and trustworthy than a brand telling you how great its own product or service is. You can start by doing research and understanding which influencer that your audience usually follow and partner with the said influencer to boost your brand and product awareness. 


The conclusion is running ads on Facebook goes beyond just having the copy, image/video and selecting audience. It goes way beyond than that, and it requires a clearly thought out digital marketing strategy and a team to execute on it. 

If you wanted to promote your business or services but don’t know where to start, talk to us today and let us help you on getting your business message heard. Talk to us today :)

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